Wellologie Services
We offer a variety of opportunities to support you and/or your team. If you don't see exactly what you are looking for, let us know by filling out the form below. We're happy to customize a specific solution with and for you.
Death by PowerPoint? Not on our watch.
Teaching is our love language, and we’ve trained thousands of helping professionals over 15+ years. We maximize adult learning by leveraging the collective wisdom that participants bring with them and mixing it with a dash of silliness, a dose of heart, and a sprinkling of sass so that each person – even the instructor – leaves transformed, connected, and empowered.
Check out the Events page for upcoming opportunities to develop your knowledge & skills related to:​
Radical Self-Care*
Trauma and Resilience (a 3-part series)
Trauma-Responsive Policies and Practices*
Nonprofit Burnout
Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, & Secondary Traumatic Stress*
Self-care for Overachievers
​​Normalizing Self-Care for Men
Inclusion & Belonging as Wellness Strategies*
Creating a Team Self-Care Plan
Building Teams that Get Shit Done
Multi-sector Collaboration & Collective Impact
Advocacy & Lobbying for Nonprofits
Interested in training your team or organization? Complete the contact form below, and we’ll tailor a training for you.
*For licensed social workers in Colorado and Tennessee, these trainings are approved for Continuing Education/Professional Development.
Another meeting that could have been an email? Let’s fix that.
We. Love. Meetings. No, seriously. We really do. When done right, team meetings can be magical gatherings that showcase potential, unleash creativity, and support innovation. If you need support in guiding your team through critical conversations with clear thinking and inclusive participation, we’ve got your back. We co-create agendas with you that are engaging, inclusive, and productive. That way, you can get back to the things that matter most to you – making a difference in your community.
We're especially skilled at designing these experiences:
Strategic planning
Team meetings
Consensus workshops
Action planning
Peer support
Restorative circles
"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." - John Maxwell
Staff complaining about being stressed out? Is your organization ready to build an organizational culture that is responsive to stress or trauma and promotes resilience amongst staff and clients alike?
Let’s work together to find a solution that is tailored to your organization.
I provide organizational assessments, data analysis, planning and prioritizing, along with one-on-one coaching to help your organization be good while doing good.
Got a specific challenge and want quick feedback? Sign up for a one-hour strategy call.
For $200, you’ll get:
A 60-minute video conversation via Zoom
Video recording of the call + detailed notes and action items
One week follow-up call to see how you're doing